Women’s Health Information Center Bne Brak

בקור אשת השגריר הבריטי גב' סליה גולד בבני ברק, בתאריך 10 לינואר 2013-והצגת פעילות מרכז מידע לבריאות האישה.
The first part of the meeting took place in the offices of the mayor Rabbi Yaakov Asher (He is a Knesset member now), who gave an overview of B'nei Brak, present and future.
At the second part of the meeting we took pride in presenting a spectrum of social projects. First the head of our social services described the department's activities and future goals.
Then, the well-known Haredi author Chaim Walder, described his work helping boys within the school system and trying to solve communication problems between parents and children. The author then gave you a couple of his books.
Afterwards, different ways of helping mothers after birth, such as warm meals, babysitter services and cleaning help were presented by a volunteer.
We heard about after school play groups where children play with their parents, guided by trained volunteers. Prevention of accidents at home, in schools and public playgrounds, was presented by B'Terem, and I spoke about the anonymous hotline for guidance and support for callers with social and emotional problems.
In addition, Lili Lev from the Women's Health Information Center, which supplies information on medical issues for people without internet access, described the nutrition and dental hygiene educational program for kindergarten children.
This innovative and successful program is branching out to other communities with the help of the education ministry.